Quick Tip: Naturally Eliminating Diarrhea
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 05, 2006 December 05, 2006
Diarrhea is not the most pleasant topic to read about, but sooner or later, it is an issue that everyone is forced to take an interest in. We have all been there, and none of us want to return. This gentle anti-diarrhea formula works impressively well. The ingredients may be surprising; because in a homeopathic sense, they normally have the opposite effect. We understand how the ingredients manage to fix the problem; but frankly, most readers do not want the details. The important thing is that it works very well. In the worst cases, it can take up to 2 hours for it to fully activate, so there may be one or two final trips to the restroom. When it does activate, it works better than anything else, and it is unlikely to be needed again for the remainder of the illness.
Why You Should Supplement With Hemp and Affirm Your Rights
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 02, 2009 December 02, 2009
In the 18th century, the hemp plant was used extensively for everything from clothing to ship sails. It is extremely strong and lightweight, so there is a plethora of industrial applications. America's Founding Fathers grew it, and the U.S. Constitution was written upon hemp paper. Yet it is now illegal to grow in the United States. It is nonetheless making a comeback. Hemp-made clothing is now available, and hemp bricks are being used to built select homes. Hemp oil is the easiest and most renewable oil in existence; so it could therefore solve many of our economic problems, including our dependence on petroleum. Furthermore, it does not produce severely toxic fumes as petrochemical products do. When burnt, it produces only carbon dioxide (not monoxide), which benefits plants, and thus the overall environment. Its financial threat to the petrochemical industry plays a large role in why it is illegal to grow it in the U.S.
Granite Countertops Pose Health Risks
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: November 12, 2009 November 12, 2009
Granite countertops are dangerous because they are radioactive, and they emit poisonous radon gas. This phenomenon is something that even the mainstream press has begun reporting. The E.P.A. and other regulatory agencies have received floods of phone calls from home owners and inspectors about high levels of radiation from granite countertops. Regulators are urging people to ignore the high readings as unimportant, because taking a negative stance against radiation in kitchens would also imply that the radiation used in modern medicine is also dangerous. There is a tremendous amount of money to be lost across several industries, in other words.
'The Cancer Report' Documentary from Health Wyze Media
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 25, 2010 December 25, 2010
Trouble Watching? Watch this video at YouTube.
This documentary catalogs how allopathic medicine established dominance in the early part of the 20th Century, and how natural medicines were arbitrarily banned from the medical profession, despite the basis of this decision being scientifically unsound. The wholesale transition from natural medicines to chemical ones was based on financial and political reasons, at the expense of the patients.
This documentary exposes the carnage of the cancer industry, the financial interests that molded it, and why it is so resistant to change. Meanwhile, cancer treatments kill more people every year than any war in U.S. history. Cancer patients with no treatment at all statistically live four times longer and have a better quality of life. The Cancer Report also catalogs the histories and procedures of the most popular alternative therapies, which generally have significantly better success rates than standard treatments.
We urge all of our readers to watch this documentary and pass it on to friends and relatives. It is currently available on Youtube, and the full 1.5G movie can be downloaded from archive.org. The smaller 788 M.B. (yet still high quality) Divx/AVI version of the movie can be downloaded via a bittorrent program and directly from us. The full movie transcript is available.
If you have any problems viewing the original downloadable edition, then we recommend installing the free and multi-platform VLC program. It is the best overall video player around. Another excellent option is the Miro program, which can both download the torrent version of the documentary, and play it as well.
The C.D.C.'s Greatest Health Achievements
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: November 08, 2009 November 08, 2009
A reader from Valley Wide Health Systems in Colorado was outraged by an article that we wrote about the dangers of fluoride, and subsequently sent us a link to a Centers for Disease Control web page cataloging "the ten best health achievements of the 20th Century". This person, of course, used a false name to hide.
Reading through that C.D.C. list actually became comedic for us, so we're going to share some key points, and explain how the C.D.C. is so very wrong on so many levels. We feel pity for whoever was asked to write the list, because there have been very few accomplishments in the last 100 years in the area of medicine, despite the propaganda and hype. Aside from the germ theory, and subsequent improvements in hygiene, medicine has not really achieved much at all. We are thankful for the discovery of vitamin C by Hungarian researcher Albert Szent-Györgyi in 1934, and the discovery of the cause of cancer (ie. cellular oxygen starvation) by Dr. Otto Warburg in 1931. However, both people were vilified by the establishment, because they were responsible for information that endangered its lucrative business. They were noticeably absent from the C.D.C.'s list, and one would assume that curing cancer might actually make that list. Before continuing, we should mention that we have chosen not to comment on non-medical related items on the list, such as automobile safety. With that said, here we go!
Quick Tip: Burn Treatment with Silver
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: November 05, 2009 November 05, 2009

Day-to-day burns are often treated with various over the counter creams that are found at pharmacies. They are notorious for having little to no effect, and burns to the tongue are deemed untreatable. However, in burn centers, an alternative remedy is being used all across the country, and there is nothing that comes close to its effectiveness in existence. This substance is silver.
Silver has been known for decades as the best substance for burns, and even the mainstream medical establishment cannot deny its benefits. Nothing comes close to providing such relief. Along with repairing the damaged skin, silver also prevents infections, which is a common complication with severe burns. While silver is regularly used in hospitals, high-end medical creams can be problematic to obtain, because prescriptions are required. Unfortunately, the federal government interferes with our right to access essential medical supplies, even when they are completely safe. It's all about maximizing profits, compliance, and ensuring that sooner or later we will come begging.
Special Investigative Report: Why You Should Boycott the Susan Komen Pink Ribbon Foundation and Its Sponsors
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: October 27, 2010 October 27, 2010
It may stun many readers to learn that the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation sponsors Planned Parenthood, the "family planning" organization that performs assembly-line abortions. The Komen Foundation is also an organization that conveniently neglects to mention that both abortions and radiation from routine mammograms are methods of inducing breast cancers. The risk of getting breast cancer from either of these activities alone is greater than the risks of smoking and poor diet combined. The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation may very well be the greatest cause of breast cancer in the world.
The amount of money that the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation has donated to Planned Parenthood is being kept obscured. Life News reported that $730,000 was donated to the abortion organization in 2009 alone, but we are unable to confirm the exact figure. A public relations representative from the Komen Foundation disclosed to The Health Wyze Report that the amount of money annually funneled into Planned Parenthood is "about $700,000", which lends strong credence to the earlier figure. The Komen Foundation boasts that it has "invested almost $2 billion" since its inception in 1982. What the Komen Foundation actually does with that funding is never disclosed. The money is shrouded in secrecy, but it is said to be "energizing science".
Quick Tip: Eliminating Weekend Headaches
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: October 26, 2008 October 26, 2008
For many people, headaches are a normal part of life, and are expected. Ironically, those who have stressful, and particularly thankless jobs will often experience headaches most often during the weekends, instead of during their work-weeks. As a result, stress factors are usually dismissed. There are many who spend months trying to track down the cause of their weekend headaches, to no avail. Readers who experience these headaches have likely tried multiple remedies, in an attempt to relieve them, but such trials in self-medication can be a perilous process.
For sufferers of weekend headaches, the sudden change from a state of stress to one of rest on the weekends causes the neurotransmitter chemicals of the brain to be massively discharged. It can create a painful headache (or even a migraine) that takes a particularly long time to fade.
Why Experimental Medicine and Health Have Become Mutually Exclusive
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: October 23, 2010 October 23, 2010
A recent study by the C.D.C. has estimated that 30% of Americans will have diabetes by 2050. The mainstream media has already reported this extensively, and it appears baffled by the new revelation. However, diabetes is not the only disease that is rising annually. Despite assurances from the medical establishment that there are stunning breakthroughs in modern medicine, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and autism are not going anywhere. In fact, they are becoming rather common, and thereby more profitable.
Video: An 11-Year-Old Homeschooler Explains The Problems With The Food Industry
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: October 22, 2009 October 22, 2009
In about five minutes, eleven-year-old Birke Baehr summed up the despicable behavior of our modern food industry, and how it needs to be fixed. Birke is a homeschooler, and his presentation was better than some commercial documentaries. He provided an evaluation of our tainted food supply, and how the food industry is manipulated by major corporations. At his young age, he is already able to recognize that advertising is often deceptive, and that it is frequently geared toward getting children to market on behalf of corporate interests. We encourage you to watch his entertaining speech, which took place in Asheville, North Carolina.