The Filthy Truth About Hand Sanitizers and Anti-Bacterial Soaps
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: November 29, 1999 November 29, 1999
The Washington Post reported that the F.D.A. has finally found fault in a chemical. The chemical is found in the urine of more than 75% of Americans, and research has shown for years that it is dangerous. New research has grabbed the attention of the E.P.A., F.D.A. and C.P.S.C. The chemical is so widely used that it falls under the jurisdiction of all three federal agencies.
Triclosan is an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal chemical. Astute readers may already be making the connection that anything which is poisonous to organisms is, well, poisonous. The poison is added to anti-bacterial soaps, pesticides, toothpastes, cleaning agents, shaving creams, and mouthwashes. In recent years, it has been infused into children's toys, bedding, and some clothing. From observing the history of the chemical industry, we are making bets amongst ourselves as to how long it will be before it is a component of vaccines and infant formulas.
The Inflammatory Topic of Vaccines During a Health Information War
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: June 09, 2009 June 09, 2009

As a reporter for The Guardian, she is courageously defending society from "vaccine dodgers" and alternative medicine.
In the British mainstream media, there has been enormous grandstanding about making the M.M.R. (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine mandatory. Vaccinations have never been mandatory in Britain, because the English never believed that forced drugging was moral for a civilized society. This is one of the reasons why water has never been fluoridated in the United Kingdom.
One of our readers sent an article our way, entitled "It's time we created special schools for MMR dodgers" by Miss Bennett. That article was an expression of a media agenda to associate those who forgo vaccines with cowards and traitors, instead of the better-educated people that they are. Throughout the Guardian's article, insults are piled upon those who have dared to question the wisdom of vaccines, and it was insinuated that society would surely suffer a calamitous failure without more vaccinations.
Why Everyone Has Attention Deficit Disorder, and Why it is Illegal To Cure
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: June 04, 2009 June 04, 2009
There are a lot of people in modern society who have trouble concentrating on seemingly simple tasks. There is an emerging epidemic of people who are having difficulties with organization, memory, and they have a tendency to become easily distracted. It is sometimes blamed on an increased need to multi-task in the workplace or school. However, the workload for most Americans has not actually increased at the same rate as these problems have, and people with low-stress jobs are experiencing these same issues at equally-elevated rates.
A June 2009 C.N.N. article titled, Why Can't I Concentrate? blamed A.D.D. as the cause of these problems, pointing to the fact that 5 million female Americans suffer from it, and it is even more common in men. The media ignored the most basic probing questions such as, what is the cause and the cure? Perhaps they were silent on these questions because any mention of curing would have meant that the reporters were risking criminal prosecution for making unapproved medical claims or practicing medicine without a license. Even though they should be immune from such worries as journalists, we can nevertheless imagine the cold chill as they conferenced about this matter with their legal department beforehand.
Medical Mind Games and Proving Ginger Is Therapeutic
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: June 02, 2009 June 02, 2009

Exposing the mythology of modern medicine is a journey into how the chemical industry, the medical establishment, and our media all work together to cook mutually profitable "science".
CNN recently ran a report titled, Ginger May Help Chemo Patients With Nausea. Modern medicine (allopathy) finally discovered that ginger is useful, in 2009. This is especially underwhelming for people who are knowledgeable about traditional medicines, because we have already known this for about 4,000 years and counting. The ginger revelation was supposedly news, because establishment doctors "discovered" that ginger was useful, in 2009.
How Big Medicine Works and The Hypocritic Oath
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: May 30, 2009 May 30, 2009
"The F.D.A. protects the big drug companies, and is subsequently rewarded, and using the government's police powers, they attack those who threaten the big drug companies. People think that the F.D.A. is protecting them. It isn't. What the F.D.A. is doing, and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day."
-- Dr. Herbert Ley, former Commissioner of the U.S. F.D.A.
Those partnering with, or actively participating in the pervasive allopathic medical industry have long and boldly proclaimed that alternative medicine is somehow dangerous, despite its avoidance of dangerous chemicals in favor of natural substances. This sort of politics is what many industries have participated in, due to their fear of open competition from innovative newcomers. This phenomena in medicine has occurred since Rockefeller hijacked the U.S. medical schools in the depression of the 1930's, by offering funding to submissive medical schools, which eventually allowed Rockefeller (and his F.D.A. cronies) to redefine medicine to mean only treating the symptoms of diseases (no curing) using only invasive surgeries combined with expensive patented pharmaceuticals (i.e. allopathy). It is unfortunate that most of the world followed this despicable corruption that was born in the United States.
What They Are Hiding About Daniel Hauser's Forced Chemotherapy To Malign Alternative Medicine
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: May 21, 2009 May 21, 2009
Doctor, first do harm, for medicine is more profitable that way.

Daniel Hauser is the 13-year-old who Judge John Rodenberg of Brown County, Minnesota, ruled must undergo chemotherapy against both his and his parents' will. We recently covered this story in the audio version of The Health Wyze Report.
We noted that one of the riskiest things a parent can do nowadays with a seriously sick child is take him to an allopathic doctor (M.D.); because once you do, you are under his jurisdiction. The rule is that you and your child will obey the doctor, or the doctor may have the courts and child protective services destroy your family to stop your "medical neglect". With these child removals, there is more a spirit of revenge than of altruistic love for the child by authorities -- revenge for the parents' defiance. Children should never be pawns in the game of encroaching total State power. The media usually plays its role in such cases by demonizing defiant parents as fringe "religious fanatics" -- read "Christians".
The Bomb Shell Truth About Canola Oil
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: May 11, 2009 May 11, 2009
Back in the 1960's, the food industry was in search of an oil that could be produced cheaply, but marketed toward health-conscious consumers. While olive oil was preferred amongst those who cared about their health, it was never easy or cheap to mass produce. As a result, the food industry began selling rapeseed oil as a supposedly healthy substitute. Serious problems were later discovered with the erucic acid in rapeseed, like the fact that it caused degenerative lesions in the heart muscles. It should not have been surprising to the producers, since rapeseed is so naturally poisonous that insects avoid it. Food companies decided to sell it anyway, even after realizing the serious liability risk.
Starting in 1964, the food industry joined forces with the chemical and nuclear industries to begin work in reducing rapeseed's poisonous erucic acid content, in the hope of producing a less toxic version of rapeseed oil. It had been banned in the U.S. in 1956. It would take the industry over a decade and enormous amounts of genetic engineering to get rapeseed oil back into the U.S. market. The resultant plant from the genetic modifications was originally called L.E.A.R. (low erucic acid rapeseed) and it is sometimes still called that within the food industry. It has been widely renamed to "canola" for marketing reasons, because no company wanted to market a cooking oil that had been officially banned for causing permanent heart damage, and having "rape" in the product name was considered a liability too.
Earth Fare Bans and Shreds Our Magazines
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: March 24, 2009 March 24, 2009
Our retailer had an old fashioned book burning of our magazines. Well, technically they were "recycled", but the point and the effects are the same. The mission was, after all, to prevent the public from being able to read them. We find it disgusting whenever corporate suits decide for themselves what the public has a right to see and learn about (our basic rights), but we should be accustomed to it from most of the media outlets.
The Corporate Phone Call
It all started unexpectedly during a call with our corporate contact at Earth Fare, called Ivonne Goodwin. The conversation started nice enough, but suddenly it turned hostile when Thomas inquired about the tentative roll-out to more stores for our next issue. Ivonne suddenly and unexpectedly began verbally attacking both our magazine and our character, without any rational justification. She was totally irrational, and off-the-hook. She even attacked our journalistic credibility on one topic, until Thomas reminded her that the very statements in dispute were written by a doctor who had won the Nobel Prize on that topic.
The Truth About Salts and The Chemical Industry
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 06, 2008 December 06, 2008
The mainstream media, at the behest of the misguided medical establishment, villainizes salt. Society is constantly told that salt can raise the blood pressure, cause cardiac failure, damage the kidneys, aggravate asthma, and cause kidney stones. The establishment makes no distinctions between the different types of salt.
Sea Salt
Unrefined and unadulterated sea salt is not harmful in moderate amounts. Its benefits over table salt contrasts the immense differences between God's engineering and man's. The human body requires a certain amount of sodium for optimum health, and we could not live without it. Healthy sea salts selectively make a body a hostile environment for pathogens, such as bacteria and parasites. Its specific toxicity to pathogenic life forms is why salt is such an excellent preservative, while leaving the healthy foods completely intact. Even mainstream medical doctors will admit these things when probed, but their institutionalized attacks upon salt continue unabated.
An Explanation About The Problems At WikiAnswers (
- Details
- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Tidbits Tidbits
- Published: January 10, 2008 January 10, 2008
I am posting this e-mail here, so that other WikiAnswers Supervisors and contributors can see why the alternative medicine section is now unsupervised.