New York City's Almost Comical Attempts at Curbing Obesity by Ensuring Corporate Appeasement
- Details
- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: September 06, 2009 September 06, 2009

New York City has higher rates of childhood obesity than the national average, and it is worsening. When mayor Michael Bloomberg entered office in 2002, he pledged to improve the health of New Yorkers. Since then, he has led campaigns against smoking and sugar. Now, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene is trying to reduce the rates of childhood obesity. The New York Times reported their lack of success last week.
Upon reading of their methods, their failure is not at all surprising. Let us not forget that it was New York State that absurdly planned to ban salt in restaurants for the benefit of people's health. New York State has a history of unwise health policies. It was the primary location for AIDS experiments on foster care children, during a time when New York City officials would routinely remove children from homes, if their care-givers refused to poison them with experimental drugs. New York was also the first state to mandate the swine flu vaccine for healthcare workers. It is worth reminding readers that most New York State health care workers did not want the vaccine shot, because of serious safety concerns, but we are certain they neglected to mention this to their vaccine patients.
Taco Bell Gives New Meaning To "Where's The Beef"?
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 27, 2011 January 27, 2011
A woman from the State of Alabama, named Amanda Obney, has begun a lawsuit, on behalf of the American people, against the fast food chain, Taco Bell. The lawsuit claims that Taco Bell is engaging in false advertising, since less than 35% of its "beef" is meat. Instead, Taco Bell's "beef" purportedly contains mostly fillers, including silicon dioxide, ground oats, caramel color, and much more. The full ingredients list of its seasoned ground "beef" was shamelessly posted at Taco Bell's website, which we have archived in the event that it disappears.
Food, Farming and Freedom of Choice: Original I-channel Documentary 'Milk War' Premieres Sept. 26
- Details
- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: September 10, 2010 September 10, 2010
Editor's Note:This article came to us as a press release. We are posting it because we believe that it will interest our readers. It was written by a third-party, and we have not previewed the movie.
On a November morning in 2006, 20 armed officers raided a small farm two hours north of Toronto. They weren’t looking for drugs or guns. They were there for the milk.
Techniques For Cleansing the Body and Detoxifying
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: September 07, 2009 September 07, 2009
We have received an enormous volume of questions about cleansing. This article attempts to answer the basic cleansing questions. Cleanses should never be attempted during illness. During most cleanses, the toxins that begin flowing throughout the blood prior to being flushed can cause hormone irregularities that lead to mood swings. Loved ones should be warned to expect this before a cleanse is begun.
The Mail Bag #10: Dying and Medicine's Faith Connection
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: September 07, 2009 September 07, 2009
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From: Thomas Corriher To: ********** Subject: Re: Desperate Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2010 22:20:43 -0400 (EDT) |
"My 5 year old son was just diagnosed a month and a half ago with DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma). This is a brainstem tumor that has an unthinkable prognosis that I can not accept or even entertain. I am reading all of this information about alkaline systems and ph and I am PRAYING that all of this information will be my miracle. I bought the refrigerated organic flax seed oil as well as the full fat cottage cheese and full fat unsweetened, unflavored yogurt. I am planning to give this to my son for the first time tomorrow (possibly with a little raw organic honey if he won\'t eat it otherwise) before he goes for his chemo and radiation treatments. From what I have read, I know that some of you will frown upon these medical choices but I am a mom and I can not and will not take any chances with my baby's life. I am also doing everything I can think of to keep his diet as alkaline as possible and plan to buy ph strips to check this in his urine. PLEASE if there is anyone who has any information that you think could help me, please respond to this. I have also been using the agave nectar to sweeten what he thinks is chocolate milk. He loves chocolate milk so I replaced it secretly with a mixture of breast milk (from my sister-in-law), pure unsweetened almond milk, and organic carob powder and of course a little agave nectar for sweetness. I am not sure if this is ok or if I should use honey or what I should do. If you can help with this aspect as well, I would appreciate it. I need hope but I cant deal with empty promises right now so please only respond if you can help me, thank you."
Audio: Ronald Reagan on Socialized Medicine
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Audio Audio
- Published: September 05, 2009 September 05, 2009
"If all of this seems like a great deal of trouble, think what's at stake. We are faced with the most evil enemy mankind has known in his long climb from the swamp to the stars [communism]. There can be no security anywhere in the free world if there is no fiscal and economic stability within the United States. Those who ask us to trade our freedom for the soup kitchen of the welfare state are architects of a policy of accommodation."
"The most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.'"
"Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction."
"Government growing beyond our consent had become a lumbering giant, slamming shut the gates of opportunity, threatening to crush the very roots of our freedom. What brought America back? The American people brought us back -- with quiet courage and common sense; with undying faith that in this nation under God the future will be ours, for the future belongs to the free."
Listen to the speech that he made for the American Medical Association in 1961, concerning socialized medicine.
The Story of Christopher Pittman, an Antidepressant Murder, and How Chris May Still Be Denied Justice
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: September 05, 2009 September 05, 2009
Christopher Pittman was 12 years old when he fatally shot both of his grandparents, just before setting fire to their house. He was intoxicated with antidepressants.
After running away one night, state troopers picked him up and took him to an institutional facility for troubled kids. Whilst there, he was first prescribed Paxil for mild depression. When taken out of the facility by family members, he was taken to his grandparents, in the hope that the new atmosphere would help him. He was immediately taken off of Paxil by a new doctor, without a weaning process, and was prescribed Zoloft. Chris began to complain about side effects, including a burning sensation under his skin and difficulty sleeping. Instead of removing the new medication, the doctor doubled his dosage. Five days later, Chris committed the double murder. The doctor was never charged for malpractice, or his involvement in the murders. Instead, Chris was arrested, imprisoned for three years prior to his trial, tried in an adult court at age 15, found guilty of murder, and sentenced to 30 years imprisonment.
Naturally Eliminating Cluster Headaches and How the Establishment is Blocking Cures
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 28, 2009 August 28, 2009
Cluster headaches are otherwise known as suicide headaches, because it is the common fate of many sufferers. These headaches are worse than migraines, and persist between 15 minutes and three hours, several times a day. This continues for weeks, months, or even years. These headaches frequently occur during sleep, on only one side of the head. Researchers have dubbed cluster headaches "one of the worst pain syndromes known to mankind". Those experiencing one of these super-headaches enters into a disoriented state, with confusion, short-term memory loss, the inability to understand those around them, and unbearable pain.
The Debate between and Jim Humble about whether M.M.S. is a Fraud
- Details
- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 03, 2008 August 03, 2008
On the 30th of July in 2010, I browsed through my e-mail messages to make a startling discovery. We had received a message from none other than infamous Jim "M.M.S." Humble. After a brief moment of eye rubbing, to ensure that I had not been hallucinating, I eagerly read his message and then shared it with Thomas. Humble was upset about the unflattering findings that our research uncovered about his alternative "medicine".
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In the left corner, we have Jim Humble, "inventor" of "Miracle Mineral Solution". | In the right corner, we have weighing in, Sarah C. Corriher of |
How To Create A Natural First Aid Kit
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 26, 2009 August 26, 2009
We have been asked numerous times to create a list of natural, effective first aid items for campers, survivalists, and militia organizations. These are our recommendations for those in a survival scenario. Many of them could be utilized on a simple camping trip, but this is aimed at longer-term situations in which other medical help may not be available.