U.S. Federal Government Threatens the State of California: It Will "Arrest" Residents to Stop Lawful Marijuana Gardens
- Details
- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: October 21, 2009 October 21, 2009

On November 2nd, Californians will be voting on the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010, otherwise known as Proposition 19. The act will decriminalize the possession of cannabis ("marijuana") for amounts under an ounce, and allow people to cultivate it in their home gardens. If enacted, cannabis would be treated like alcohol and tobacco; taxed, and only available to adults.
Staunch opponents compare marijuana's effects to those of alcohol's, but none of them support the prohibition of alcohol. The pro-legalization movement generally consists of two categories of people who are leading the charge. There are those who want to stop S.W.A.T. raids, the subsequent needless (often accidental) deaths, and the wanton splitting-up of families. The other group consists of those who are aware of the financial situation in the United States, and see marijuana taxation as a method to get out of debt. This was also one of the reasons that alcohol prohibition was ended.
The Vaccine Cover Up: Why the FDA is Attacking Chelation Therapy
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: October 16, 2010 October 16, 2010
Threatening warning letters have now been sent to eight supplement companies which are selling chelation products online. An FDA spokesman told the Washington Post that on one hand, the F.D.A. maintains that chelation methods are unproven, and ineffective; just as they do with nutritional supplements. Yet, at the same time, their excuse for sending out the letters is the fact that chelation therapy is too powerful. It was ripe with the usual doublespeak that is used to avoid discussing the real problems that they have with alternative therapies.
"The companies that received the warning letters sell products without a prescription, often as 'dietary supplements', and describe multiple health benefits, none of which have been proven.
"The agency became alarmed about the growing promotion and easy availability of the products because the substances may cause serious health complications, including dehydration and kidney failure, and possibly be deadly, officials said."
— FDA via the Washington Post
Book Review: The Whole Story - Alternative Medicine on Trial
- Details
- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: October 12, 2010 October 12, 2010
The Whole Story: Alternative Medicine on Trial, by Toby Murcott, sets out to provide an unbiased overview of alternative medicine; cataloging its strengths and weaknesses. Mr. Murcott was the science correspondent for BBC World Radio, and he holds a PhD. in biochemistry. His attempt at unbiased reporting in the book is flawed, because he misses a crucial point of good journalism: a journalist cannot ethically present both sides of a controversy in a balanced manner, if either side is known to be distorting the facts. A reporter has a duty to note such deceptions, or he merely becomes a passive part of the propaganda apparatus himself, through his omissions. Objectivity is a vaulted (but rarely seen) ideal of modern journalists, but it is hardly idyllic whenever it seduces them into perpetuating known lies themselves. They may be drawn into the corruption themselves, ironically by working to distance themselves from it.
Greek Socialized Health Care is Pushing Amputations for Diabetics to Cut Costs
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: October 12, 2010 October 12, 2010
We have written in the past about the detriments of socialized medicine, and informed our readers that underneath its sparkling guise of humanitarianism resides an insidious charade that will lead to less options, and worse care.
In Britain, which has the supposed gold standard of socialized medicine, the elderly are denied knee replacements and cataract surgeries, due to a collapsing economy. The weakest of society are being left to suffer, something perhaps devolving into the caveman past, or worse. Some of the nursing homes have been shutdown as a cost saving move. Perhaps the elderly will find a better life on the streets with the alcoholics and hopeless drug addicts, and perhaps they will finally feel shameful for being such parasites upon society. Parasites are exactly what they ultimately are under communistic and socialistic ideologies, and the behavior in Britain is more than proof of it.
Death Rates Drop When Doctors Go on Strike
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: October 08, 2010 October 08, 2010
Most people believe that doctors save far more than they harm, and that any doctor-induced injuries are usually minor. However, there is plenty of evidence that shows otherwise. In the year 2000, doctors in Israel decided to go on strike; demanding increases in pay. Before long, morticians began to notice a bizarre trend.
“The number of funerals we have performed has fallen drastically”.
— Hananya Shahor, the veteran director of
Jerusalem's Kehilat Yerushalayim burial society.
Poisonous Christmas Lights, Toys, and Trees
- Details
- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 09, 2012 December 09, 2012
During Christmas time, people tend to be more trusting, and are not as vigilant about protecting their health as they are throughout the year. Yet, there are elevated poisoning risks during Christmas. One of the biggest health threats at Christmas is lead. Lead is present in the cabling of Christmas lights, and in the solder of artificial Christmas trees.
American shoppers may notice this warning on Christmas light packages:
"Handling the coated electrical wire on this product exposes you to lead, a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after use."
The Bees Are Dying and How Monsanto Will Be Responsible for the Upcoming Famine
- Details
- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: September 25, 2009 September 25, 2009
"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man."
-- Albert Einstein
Bees have been slowly declining in number since 1972 [1]. The drop in bee populations was traditionally called "fall dwindle disease", which is cited here for the aid of future research; even though the word disease is not applicable. In 2006, a far more rapid bee population decline ensued. The problem was renamed to "colony collapse disorder", or less frequently "honey bee depopulation syndrome". Despite the various mentally-challenged naming conventions of this problem, it nevertheless is becoming a very serious problem for all of us. Prior to 2006, the gradual decline was attributed to a number of causes, including pesticide use and Varroa mites. By early 2007, the decline had reached new proportions. Bees simply disappeared, instead of dying in their hives. Large bee hives became miniature ghost towns, and there is still no official explanation for the disappearance of the bees.
The F.D.A. is Using a Unique G.M.O. Salmon Approval Process to Bypass U.S. Regulations
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: September 30, 2009 September 30, 2009

The Washington Post recently reported that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is using the process that is designed for veterinary drugs to approve genetically modified salmon. The F.D.A. does not have any legitimate process for regulating genetically modified foods, despite the fact that this request has been pending for 10 years. Approving genetically engineered salmon as a veterinary drug allows for research data to be conveniently hidden from the public, under the guise of trade secrets. It is yet another example of the F.D.A. using legal chicanery and flagrant deception to sideswipe both U.S. law, and its own mandates.
The Legend of Mike Adams and the Reality
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- Written by C. Thomas Corriher and Sarah C. Corriher C. Thomas Corriher and Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: February 06, 2013 February 06, 2013
The number of queries to the Health Wyze Report for information about fraudulent alternative medicines and unwise supplementation has increased dramatically during the past couple of years. Some of the requests included questions about the wisdom of eating mushrooms to cure cancer, drinking iodine for thyroid issues, and the supposed benefits of eating underwater plants. The questions might have been funny if the long term results of the misinformation were not so tragic. As health researchers, we noticed unmistakable trends that could not be ignored concerning the increases in frequency of these requests. The spikes occurred especially after two events.
The G.M.O. Boycott List
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: May 02, 2013 May 02, 2013
When we began our work at Health Wyze Media in 2008 as Naturally Good Magazine, we knew that genetic engineering was a rapidly-growing problem. Yet we were ignorant of the staggering breadth of the problem. Only a small percentage of the health researchers such as us, and the top executives of the biotechnology industry have any comprehension of how corrupted the food supply in the Americas has become. The problem is so wide and so severe that we have avoided reporting it for fear that truthful reporting on this topic would harm our credibility. People would never believe it. For us as reporters, the exploding disease statistics prove that our discoveries are not flawed or exaggerated, and those staggering numbers include all of those supposedly mysterious "genetic disorders" that never existed before in history. Let's not forget those new "immune system disorders" either, which do not afflict peoples in remote societies that live on organic diets.