Quick Tip: Using Lemon and Pineapple Juice to Quickly Shift Body pH in Your Favor
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: April 19, 2010 April 19, 2010
There is a link between body pH and many diseases. Health conscious people often attempt to maintain a higher than normal body pH (alkaline). Those eating a healthy diet will naturally become alkaline from their diets, but it is very easy to become acidic from a relapse of processed foods. Soft drinks have a pH of around 2.5, and the effects upon pH are dramatic. It is always much easier to become acidic than to become alkaline. However, there are methods to dramatically speed up the process of becoming alkaline.
Acidic fruits often have an alkalizing effect upon the body. It is important to remember that the initial acidity of a food is not important in regard to its alkalizing effect. It is actually the minerals that matter, not the food's initial acidity. Ironically, the most acidic fruits tend to have a mineral composition that causes the human body to become more alkaline when they are metabolized.
Quick Tip: Eliminating Gnats Without Chemicals
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: April 17, 2009 April 17, 2009
Households employ different methods to eliminate insect pests, such as gnats. These range from banning all fruits to spraying pesticides. There is a natural and safe method for eliminating gnats.
In a dish or container with a wide top, combine the following:
- 1 tbsp. liquid dish detergent
- 8 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
- 1/4 cup water
- 1 heaping tbsp. sugar
Leave this solution in an area where gnats congregate. It generally takes a couple of days for it to take effect, but when it does, it will begin killing large numbers of gnats. They will be attracted to it, and die in the mixture.
Recipe: Summertime Strawberry-Lemon Slushy
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: April 18, 2010 April 18, 2010
There are times when we are tempted to eat junk foods, and in the summer, one of our cravings is for slushies. Unfortunately, the ingredients of commercial slushies are truly terrible. They are nothing more than a cocktail of artificial flavors, artificial colors, and refined sugars. Thus, last year, we decided to make our own.
- 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 1 cup spring water
- 1 cup frozen strawberries, thawed overnight, with juice
- 1/4 cup evaporated cane juice
- 1 tray ice cubes
Blend all ingredients together in a blender until slushy. Be careful not to go too long, or you'll just have a very cold drink. Serve in a tall glass with a straw.
Eating Ice Cubes or Dirt is a Sign That Your Child Has Pica
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: April 17, 2010 April 17, 2010
Pica (Pagophagia) is a disease state emanating from malnutrition. It is surprisingly common. I suffered with it myself as a child, and my own son briefly showed the symptoms. It is perhaps important for us to mention these things, so other parents understand that we are not being high-and-mighty, and that none of this should be felt as criticism of their parenting. Parents would not be reading this, if they did not wish to improve themselves and the care of their children. With that behind us, let us explain the condition.
Parents should be aware that their children may be malnourished without showing any obvious symptoms of it. This is because most people do not know what the symptoms are for persistent low-level malnutrition, and because having malnourished children has actually become somewhat normal. Malnutrition is not necessarily a problem specific to poor children, for overall, they tend to get about the same nutrition as their wealthier counterparts do. It is not a money issue. It is an ignorance issue, and about 99% of the people are ignorant of nutritional issues. Sadly, this includes orthodox medical doctors. Don't even ask your doctor about it. It will be a complete waste of time.
More About Triclosan: How The Chemical Industry Is Secretly Poisoning Us Again
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: April 16, 2009 April 16, 2009
The Washington Post reported how the F.D.A. has finally found fault in a chemical known as triclosan. The chemical is found in the urine of more than 75% of Americans, and research has shown for years that it is dangerous. However, new research has grabbed the attention of the E.P.A., F.D.A. and C.P.S.C. The chemical is so widely used that it falls under the jurisdiction of all three federal agencies.
Triclosan is an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal chemical. Astute readers may already be making the connection that anything that is poisonous to organisms is, well, poisonous. The poison is intentionally added to anti-bacterial soaps, pesticides, toothpastes, cleaning agents, shaving creams, and mouthwash. In recent years, it has been infused into children's toys, bedding and some clothing. From observing the history of the chemical industry, we are making bets amongst ourselves as to how long it will be before it is a critical component of vaccines and infant formulas.
Naturally Curing Shingles and Chickenpox
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: April 15, 2010 April 15, 2010

You Should Not Visit Your Doctor
Doctors will prescribe just about anything for these conditions, except for something that actually works. Some prescribe painkillers, anti-depressants, and petrochemical creams. The establishment's resultant help-to-harm ratio is rather disturbing. More often than not, standard treatments actually stress the immune system to make the outbreak last longer. Prescribing anti-depressants for a shingles outbreak is insanity, and places the patient at more risk than the original virus. All of the orthodox treatment options have risks, and are rarely effective. Chicken Pox and shingles will eventually disappear without treatment, and the amount of time depends upon the strength of the immune system.
Quick Tip: Emergency Alternative Medicine For Snake Bites
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: April 12, 2009 April 12, 2009

Snake bites can be very dangerous, and we recommend immediately seeking emergency medical care, if it is available. Hospitals are the only source for getting antivenin. However, there are scenarios when emergency medical assistance is hours or even days away. This article catalogs some treatments that can help in these situations.
Apply dampened activated charcoal to snake bite fang wounds as soon as possible. With some snake bites, making a small slit in the fang lesions is necessary, while other bites leave large enough holes for the activated charcoal to absorb well. Use a band-aid, cotton with medical tape, or anything else that is available to firmly hold the dampened charcoal onto the wound. Check periodically, and re-dampen the charcoal if it has dried. Do not use DMSO to increase absorption, for it will cause the venom to sink deeper into the body.
The State of New York Plans To Ban Cooks From Using Salt
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: April 06, 2009 April 06, 2009

In high school, I had a class called Food Technology, which was essentially a glorified cooking class. Although, we also spent some time studying the effects of certain ingredients upon the body. Salt was one of those ingredients. At the time, public interest advertisements littered the television, informing people of the health dangers of salt and how it was present in almost every food that we ate. These advertisements were causing a public opinion backlash against the amount of salt that was present inside foods. Most people mindlessly accepted the propaganda, and cheered along the efforts to alter fast foods.
Somehow, removing salt would suddenly make fast foods healthy, and heart attacks would be a thing of the past. Let us not forget about curing high blood pressure, either. Eureka! The problem was no longer the poisons in the fast foods, or even the fact that they are the equivalent of a cardboard diet in regards to nutrition. How convenient this is for the fast food's industry which is no longer to be blamed.
Shielding Yourself From Radiation and Dangerous Radioactive Exposure From Cancer Patient Emissions
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: April 06, 2009 April 06, 2009
In some countries, cancer patients who are made radioactive are told to avoid contact with children, because radiation exposure is especially bad for children's developing bodies. These ethically-required warnings are never given in the U.S., because radiation is so zealously promoted.
What if our medical people and journalists had the same ethical standards as their peers in other countries? What if they too warned patients to at least stay away from innocent children? The American people would quickly realize that radiation is inherently bad, and that irradiated patients remain radioactive after exposure to radioactive 'medicine'. Think of the financial implications for the U.S. cancer industry, if the same warnings for children were to be given inside the states. The political lie about collateral radiation not effecting close friends and family is a large part of why the United States kills more people with medicine than any other industrialized nation. It is one reason why cancer runs in families now, because the entire family gets irradiated.
Basic Tips For Being Healthy
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: April 01, 2009 April 01, 2009
We write a great amount on this website about curing serious chronic diseases and ailments, and the brokenness of the sick-care industry that is by design. We do not usually cover issues of general health maintenance. We sadly realize that in this era, maintaining health has become extremely difficult. We have compiled a list of the core steps for obtaining health, in spite of the chemical industry.