Smoking To Cure Lung Infections and For Good Lung Health
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: February 01, 2010 February 01, 2010

Some readers will be surprised by our endorsement of any herb that is to be smoked; especially one that is called a "tobacco". We endorse the medicinal use of Indian tobacco (lobelia inflata). Smoking truly natural substances is not necessarily harmful. Even real tobacco does not need to be dangerous, but it is made dangerous by the industry. Commercially-made cigarettes are harmful because of the additives, the glues, the radioactive fertilizers, and the papers that are used -- not the tobaccos themselves. The American Indians smoked organic tobacco for a thousand years before the Europeans arrived, without cancers. They get cancers now, for the same chemical reasons that everyone else is getting cancers.
The Mail Bag #6: Curing Severe H. Pylori Infections
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 28, 2010 January 28, 2010
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From: Thomas Corriher To: ********* Subject: Re: H. Pylori Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 14:23:00 -0400 (EDT) |
"I was recently diagnosed with the H. Pylori bacteria. I have taken all the meds and using Prilosec now to help stomach pain. I am still breaking out in skin lesions and hives (very itchy). I have developed dark circles around my eyes and joints have turned dark. I read your article on PH balance for the body. I think that is a problem also. I took a PH test strip and the thing turned canary yellow which the chart said that that is dangerously high acidic. Send me anything you have by email to confirms the reaction of the hives that I am getting. Can it be the H. Pylori causing the hives or just a dirty, acidic system?"
You are in serious trouble. If you want to be saved, then you had better listen, and listen well. Time is running out for you.
Let us preface by telling you that we technically cannot give you, or any individual, medical advice. That would be "practicing medicine without a license", and there are people excitedly waiting for us to make that mistake. Sometimes we get messages from lawyers trying to bait us. What we can do is tell you what we would do in your situation, which coincidentally, is exactly the same advice that we would give to you if we were legally able to. There are no laws yet that prevent us from telling you how we would treat ourselves in the same situation.
Natural Approaches For Treating Epilepsy
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 28, 2010 January 28, 2010
Epilepsy is a term that is used to encompass various types of seizure disorders that are believed to be caused by abnormal electrical signals in the brain. The standard therapies include anti-seizure pharmaceuticals, psychological counseling, and brain surgery.
Anti-epileptic medications are known for having horrific side effects, which include suicidal ideation, jaundice, kidney and liver failure, blurred vision, aplastic anemia (failure to produce blood cells), impaired cognitive function, bone loss, and more severe seizures. Doctors believe that these risks are acceptable. When the medical side effects manifest, doctors often fail to recognize that they were caused by the medication, and treat the side effects like spontaneously new disease conditions. The mantra is that anything and everything could be the cause -- except for the pharmaceuticals. This sometimes results in half a dozen absolutely unnecessary drugs being used, and worsening health problems from the untested combinations of pharmaceuticals. This is the standard of epileptic care.
The Truth About Asthma Being Curable
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 26, 2010 January 26, 2010
Asthma is a condition that is characterized by shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, pain in the chest, and coughing (especially at night). As with all the other confusing diseases, experimental medicine has recently redefined asthma as a genetic condition. For the uninitiated, the word "genetic" is medical code for "we have no idea" or "we'll blame it on God". Despite medical science's newly discovered 'genetic' cause of asthma, the rates of its occurrence have been increasing disproportionately to population growth each year. A truly genetic condition would increase at a rate that would match population growth.
There are many triggers of asthma attacks. Environmental pollution is a major cause for those who live in urban areas. Air fresheners, in particular, have been shown to trigger asthma attacks by dramatically reducing lung capacity. Asthmatics should avoid all scented products, including candles, deodorizers, dryer sheets, scented soaps, and especially all "air fresheners". It is wise for healthy individuals to avoid them too. Allergens stress the body, to exaggerate asthma problems, which can provoke terrifying hyper-immune responses. Certain plants may cause these reactions, such as ragweed, along with a new generation of food allergies, which have been artificially created by vaccinations containing food ingredients.
Canadian Criminal Mastermind: Michael Schmidt and The Illegal Milk Trade
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 22, 2010 January 22, 2010

Since 1994, Canadian authorities have been harassing Michael Schmidt, a diary farmer, over his illegal cow-milking operation. Michael was charged and found guilty of selling raw dairy milk in 1994, and was sentenced to two years probation. He was forced to sell hundreds of acres of land in order to pay legal fees.
Selling raw milk in Canada is a very serious crime. Canadian officials felt that it was so serious that instead of prosecuting minor felons like murderers and rapists, they carried out a 25-man armed raid on Schmidt's farm in November 2006. In case you're wondering; the assault rifles were completely necessary, as dairy farmers present a underestimated threat, despite their carefully construed mild-mannered reputation. All of Michael's milking paraphernalia and cheese-making equipment was seized as hard evidence of his criminal activities. Michael began a hunger strike, which he ended 28 days later, in a rally outside the Ontario Legislature, where he milked a cow.
Eliminating Female Hair Loss Naturally
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 21, 2010 January 21, 2010
Thirty million women suffer from hair loss in America alone, yet most people see hair loss as something that only effects men. It is usually a sign of poisoning. This problem is traumatic to the self-esteem of women, especially when they do not realize that their hair loss is caused by their supposedly "safe" medications. Contrary to what women are told, female hair loss is not hereditary, but a documented side effect of prescription drugs. A massive portion of pharmaceuticals cause hair loss, including antidepressants. This is a particularly disturbing finding, because those who are being treated for depression may suffer from this side-effect, and become further depressed by the hair loss. This combination is common for menopausal women. Beta blocker drugs that are used to treat angina, panic attacks, and social anxiety can also cause female hair loss. All hormone-effecting drugs are likely to cause hair loss, including anti-acne medications, and medications that are prescribed to increase a woman's libido. Birth control pills are especially bad for causing hair loss and other health problems that can last for years after they are discontinued. "The pill" is one of the most dangerous things that a woman can do to her body.
Doctors rarely inform women that the hair loss was caused by them. That would require ethics and taking responsibility. Doctors instead attempt to correct the condition with even more pills. There is only one prescription product that is F.D.A. approved for dealing with hair loss, which is minoxidil (brand name Rogaine). Minoxidil must be used consistently for 6 to 12 months before there are any signs of improvement, and the patient can never stop taking it without the hair loss resuming. In addition, minoxidil darkens the pigmentation of hair throughout the body in more than 80% of the patients studied, and it produced heart attacks and cardiac lesions in animal test subjects.
Fire Safe Cigarettes and the Massacre of Smokers
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 20, 2010 January 20, 2010
It is near sacrilege to publish anything that in any way defends smokers. Brace yourself, for you are about to read such a sacrilege. For the sake of political correctness, let us preface by noting that smokers are hellishly evil creatures, for they savagely murder our innocent children with their second-hand death gas. Now we can move on with political correctness satisfied.
As a collective society, we have come to view anything tobacco-related as evil, and its users as needing to be stoned (in the biblical sense). Because of the almost religious anti-tobacco dogma nowadays, what follows might be difficult for some readers to believe.
The first smokers were the American Indians. They also used cannabis (marijuana), which was a favorite choice inside peace pipes. For hundreds, if not thousands of years, the American Indians frequently smoked unfiltered and organic tobaccos, wherein the smoke was stronger than any cigarette sold now. The Indians did not get lung cancers. They suffered from no major diseases at all. They did not even suffer from allergies, despite living outdoors constantly. It is similar to the situation with the modern-day, unvaccinated Amish. It was not until the English and the Europeans began importing the European diets, long-term food storage, and the overall European lifestyle that serious diseases appeared in Indian tribes. The Old World diseases struck with an ugly vengeance. Entire tribes were wiped-out in days, because the Indians had never needed to develop an immunity against European pathogens.
Proof That Genetically Engineered Foods In U.S. Grocery Stores Are Horrifically Dangerous
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 16, 2010 January 16, 2010
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For many years, independent health reporters have been warning the public about the dangers of genetically modified foods. Meanwhile, consumer awareness groups have consistently campaigned for honest labeling on all G.M.O. (genetically modified / genetically engineered) foods. However, organizations like the F.D.A., who are friendly with the biotechnology industry, have mocked ethical concerns as being "irrational" fears about bio-engineering. A truly independent study between the universities of Rouen and Caen, in France, demonstrated that the consumption of Monsanto's genetically engineered foods can cause organ failures.
Genetically engineered foods are now in an estimated 80% of processed foods in the U.S., without any labeling whatsoever. In fact, the United States is one of the few civilized countries in the world that does not require labeling for G.M. foods, and we have routinely warned our readers about the dangers of soy, canola, cottonseed, and corn. These foods are almost always genetically engineered (unless they are "organic"). Make special note that there is no organic canola, because the canola plant was invented in 1976 through genetic engineering. Equally there is no truly organic soy for human consumption, because soy in its raw organic form is poisonous. Therefore, we strongly recommend boycotting companies that pretend to sell "organic canola" or "organic soy" in food products.
The Huffington Post reported that the F.D.A. had approved Monsanto's genetically engineered produce using only Monsanto's own 90-day study. Monsanto had limited the study to just 90 days, despite the fact that most chronic problems will not be evident in that length of time, which was of course, Monsanto's intent. In addition, they flatly dismissed all of their own data which was linked to the sex of the test subjects, because sex traits are usually closely linked to genetic disorders. It was another example of F.D.A. science. Official responses indicate that we are expected to believe that Monsanto's dismissal of all its unflattering test data was merely coincidental.
Your Metal Drinking Bottle Is Probably A Toxic Plastic Bottle In Disguise
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 15, 2010 January 15, 2010

In a small victory for consumers, BPA-free water bottles have found their way into regular grocery stores. Researchers and the public already know the dangers of BPA, despite the refusal of the F.D.A. to acknowledge them. However, the new water bottles may not be as safe as people assume. While they may not leach the hormone-destroying bisphenol-A (BPA), a strong plastic taste can still be noticed in water stored in the new generation of bottles.
The chemicals that leach out of plastics are always harmful to health. Oftentimes these chemicals go unnoticed because flavored drinks can mask the chemical taste. As a rule of thumb, plastics should be categorically avoided for food and beverage containers. All plastics leach, but they leach different chemicals at varying levels. Therefore, some plastics may be safer than others, but none are completely safe. The plastics used to make milk jugs are fairly safe. Clear plastics, like those used for soft drinks, are the worst.
Those who realize the dangers of plastic bottles will usually use metal containers. Unfortunately, manufacturers are using extremely dirty marketing tactics to continue poisoning us. A major design problem was found with the cheap aluminum containers, and a more insidious remedy was employed. The problem was that common aluminum drinking bottles normally react with acidic drinks (all popular soft drinks), to cause the drinks to become toxic with heavy metal compounds, whilst the containers themselves decay from the acids. Instead of switching to a non-toxic, more resilient metal like stainless steel; the manufacturers secretly began lining aluminum drink cans with clear plastic, like the clear coats that are used on automobiles.
How Industry Makes Egg Whites and Egg Yolks Dangerous
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 14, 2010 January 14, 2010

Cold Pasteurization: With Flavorlicious Radiation
Radiation is the easy, reliable way for the food manufacturer to kill bacteria. However, it is far from safe. The process of "irradiation" eliminates the majority of nutrition in products, makes foods radioactive, and leaves carcinogenic compounds like benzene in foods, in addition to unnatural radiolytic compounds that have never before been seen in history. These are likewise carcinogenic. Radiation is the most reliable of all cancer-causing agents, likely because it produces these compounds in tissues. (Take note microwave users.) While consumer advocacy groups have been campaigning for labeling on such products, only fresh produce must be labeled when it is irradiated. U.S.D.A. certified organic foods are never irradiated.