A Guide To Quick Recovery From Bell's Palsy
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 02, 2009 December 02, 2009
The Politics of Not Curing Bell's Palsy
As reported by Gazette.Net:
"The 68-year-old Montgomery Village man whose Bells Palsy clinic treated thousands of people over a 20-year period was sentenced to spend the next seven months in county jail after an emotional hearing in Montgomery County [Maryland] Circuit Court last week... Judge Marielsa Bernard sentenced Robert Scott Targan on Nov. 14 to more than 90 years in jail for 24 separate charges, but suspended all but 10 years, then assigned the terms to run concurrently, leaving Targan with a nine-month sentence. Targan received credit for two months he has already spent in jail. Bernard also ordered Targan, who has a host of severe medical ailments, to pay more than $40,000 in restitution and to five years supervised probation."
Ninety years? What was Dr. Targan's heinous crime? The crime was curing long-term sufferers of Bell's palsy in patients whom other doctors were unable to help. Some desperate doctors were even recommending him to their patients, so that he could do what the American Medical Association had forbidden them from doing.
The Mail Bag #5: Colloidal Silver, Vaccines, Toothpaste, Sunlight, and Shark Cartilage
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 01, 2009 December 01, 2009
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From: Thomas Corriher To: ********** Subject: Re: Colloidal Silver, Vaccines, Sunlight, etc. Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 14:23:00 -0400 (EDT) |
"While searching for the answer to a question that I have listed below, I came across this website. Apparently they now say that collodial silver can cause conditions like liver cancer...
The silver nitrates that the pharmaceutical industry created may cause a wide variety of health problems, and indeed contribute to cancers too. Those who wish to attack colloidal silver always conveniently ignore the differences between the colloidal silvers that are used as alternative medicine, and the silver nitrate solutions that the pharmaceutical industry created. The establishment's silver nitrate solutions are also known for causing argyria, which is a bluing of the skin.
Dieting Right and Why Most Diets Make People Fat
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 01, 2009 December 01, 2009
Obesity has become an epidemic in the U.S., along with most other countries throughout the civilized world. The Western world has adopted an unhealthy approach to eating, which would have been considered gluttonous in the not-so-distant past. We pay little attention to the amount that we eat, and we hypnotically stare at entertainment throughout our meals; neglecting meaningful interaction with others. As such, an industry was born to cater to the obese. Weight loss is estimated to be a $40 billion industry, whose executives would be most unhappy if people really did lose weight. If their diet plans worked, then we would surely have a population of fit, healthy, and slim people. The industry would be self-terminating. It would have served its purpose. Instead, we have two and six week diet plans that help customers to lose a tiny amount of weight (usually less than 10 pounds) to soon regain it with even more. This is actually part of the business plan, because this industry profits most from people who remain unhealthy and miserable. Keeping people in a perpetual state of highly-profitable, managed disease care is a familiar story. Diet products fail because that is part of their design, just as the medical industry has no cures for its cash cows, and policy makers will make certain that it never does. There is no money to be made from healthy people. Meanwhile, surgery-enhanced celebrities create an air-brushed, two-dimensional facade of how people should look; to the delight of the diet industry.
Forbidden Fruits: Whatever Medicinal Foods The F.D.A. Forbids
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: November 28, 2009 November 28, 2009

In 2007, bitter almonds were becoming popular throughout alternative medicine for their vitamin B-17 (laetrile) content. Health food stores had stopped selling B-17 in the form of apricot seeds in 2002, due to armed raids. The F.D.A. openly banned apricot seeds and laetrile extracts, because they had been published as a cure for cancer. Curing cancer is illegal in America. The British government followed suit, and did the very same things during 2002. Innocent people in both countries were arrested and wrongfully charged as criminals for merely selling apricot seeds, a carrier of vitamin B-17.
Bitter almonds were later discovered to be the highest source of this vitamin. Vitamin B-17 was still somewhat a newly-discovered vitamin, and it is rare in nature. In fact, there are organizations that are affiliated with orthodox medicine which still refuse to officially recognize laetrile as a vitamin. The reason for the exploding popularity of vitamin B-17, and thereby bitter almonds, was due to the fact that vitamin B-17 has dramatic and miraculous tumor-killing properties. While alternative medicine has had other effective and non-toxic cancer cures since the 1930's, this new vitamin really looked like the magic bullet. There were reports everywhere of cancers being killed merely from patients eating bitter almonds daily. Soon there would be almond extract capsules, so that these same patients would only need a cheap, non-toxic pill per day. This did not bode well for the most lucrative segment of the medical industry. Hundreds of billions of dollars were expected to be lost in the oncology market.
Useful Herbs: Cayenne Pepper
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: November 28, 2009 November 28, 2009
Cayenne pepper is a herb which should be added to foods whenever possible. Cayenne's benefits to the digestive system, circulatory system, and the heart have earned it the nickname "miracle herb". Some have used it to aid with weight loss, due to its ability to boost the metabolism. Cayenne pepper was first used as a stimulant by the Cherokee Indians. It is most notable for its effect upon the cardiovascular system. Cayenne has been known to stop heart attacks within 30 seconds when taken orally.
The History of Opium and The History of How the Pharmaceutical Industry Intentionally Created Drug Addictions
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: November 25, 2009 November 25, 2009
Opium has been used medicinally and recreationally for centuries. Fifteenth century China doctors used opium for medicine, with some using it recreationally. It was the first effective antidepressant, sedative, and pain reliever. However, opium addictions only began in the eighteenth century, when the British began to monopolize the sale of opium. It is no coincidence that when the British, with their chemical industry, began selling opium that these chemically altered opiums began creating addictions. Completely natural, unadulterated plants are not addictive until they have been "refined" and concentrated. As a result of what the British did, opium eventually became illegal under Chinese law, but the sale from the British continued.
In 1839, the Emperor, Tao Kwang, ordered his minister Lin Tse-hsu to deal with the opium problem. Lin requested help from Queen Victoria, but was ignored. As a result, the Emperor confiscated 20,000 barrels of opium and detained some foreign traders, many of whom were British. The Chinese believed that because their ceramics and silk technologies were superior to their British counterparts that their naval ships would also be. They were wrong. The British retaliated to this interference with their drug ("medical") trade by attacking the port-city of Canton.
Cherries For Inflammation, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain and Soreness
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: November 25, 2009 November 25, 2009
Cherries are considered to be among the most powerful disease-fighting foods available, largely because of their high anti-oxidant content. Cherries are becoming well known for their ability to improve the circulation, along with possessing anti-aging and anti-carcinogenic properties. The title of an enlightening U.S.D.A. report was, Arthritis hurts. But fresh cherries may help. Of course, the F.D.A. eventually noticed this report after it began getting quoted at Internet health sites such as ours, so the article seems to have now disappeared, but we archived it at our site. The evidence of this governmental admission can also be found by plugging the report's title into an Internet search engine, but the entire report has become difficult to find. At one point, the F.D.A. threatened to use the Federal Marshals to arrest cherry farmers, and even confiscate the entire U.S. cherry crop if farmers continued quoting the scientific findings about the medicinal properties of cherries from the government's own reports.
Useful Herbs: Chamomile
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: November 25, 2009 November 25, 2009
Chamomile (sometimes pronounced with a silent "h") has not only been popular with modern alternative medicine practitioners, but its medicinal roots can be traced back for centuries. It is famous for its ability to ease discomfort in the digestive tract. It has also been used for:
Chamomile is effective as a mild sedative and for promoting restful sleep when infused into tea, or otherwise taken internally. It is ideal for anyone who suffers from insomnia, because it is very unlikely to cause drowsiness the following morning, so long at it is taken at a reasonable time in the evening. For those who suffer with insomnia, we urge you to deal with the cause; whether it is emotional or physical. In the meantime, chamomile will certainly help.
Useful Herbs: Guarana
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: November 25, 2009 November 25, 2009
The most common complaints amongst those suffering with chronic disease and illness are fatigue, exhaustion, and the inability to concentrate. When the immune system is weakened, it uses up all of its reserve energy trying to fight off the threat. Likewise, due to our modern eating habits, the immune system of the average person is under constant stress, leading to chronic fatigue.
Guarana is an all natural stimulant which contains a substance called guaranine, which is often mistaken for caffeine. Guaranine is safer, and yet more potent as a stimulant. Guarana also contains large amounts of theophylline, theobromine, and tannic acid. It is rich in saponins which reduce the risk of cancer and boost the immune system. Guarana seed is not water soluble, so absorption is usually slow. While the effects of caffeine only last for around 3-4 hours, the effects of guarana can last for 8-10 hours. Other than elevating the blood pressure, guarana has proven to be harmless.
Eliminating the Parasites That You Almost Certainly Have and Curing Lupus
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: November 24, 2009 November 24, 2009
Parasitic infestations are an epidemic in the United States, with most sources estimating that a massive 85% of Americans have parasites. Because of this, we recommend a parasite cleanse every six months, care in choosing restaurants, and washing after exposure to animals.
Unfortunately, most doctors are not trained in the treatment of parasites. It is only when parasites are visually seen that American doctors will suspect them, which requires an especially terrible case. There are many symptoms of parasite infestation which people experience in daily life, believing that these issues are completely normal. While sickness has become somewhat normal in the modern lifestyle, it does not need to be. The amount of damage that can be caused by parasites is virtually limitless, because many types of them are small enough to travel anywhere in the body through the bloodstream. Parasites obtain sustenance by robbing the body of nutrients. They are the root cause of lupus, with all other issues being secondary to the parasitic infection. Therefore, lupus cannot be cured without a thorough parasite cleanse. Lupus is officially reported to be just another "incurable disease" and an "autoimmune disorder" by the establishment. Most parasites can be avoided by thoroughly cooking foods and by never drinking unfiltered water.