Doctors Said They Saw An "Excellent Response" To Patrick Swayze's Treatments
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: September 25, 2009 September 25, 2009
In March 2008, the renowned actor Patrick Swayze was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The medical establishment has deplorable success rates in suppressing pancreatic cancers, and most of their patients die within two years of diagnosis. The mainstream media publicized Swayze's case heavily. The devastating effects of the treatments became very apparent from photographs of him. Patrick Swayze died two years following his diagnosis, following the usual pattern. His quality of life by that time had been completely eroded. Patrick's doctors publicly boasted of Swayze's treatments, as if they represented the gold standard of medical care. An "excellent response" as defined by Swayze's doctors is shown in the images below. You have probably already learned the ultimate conclusion of that "excellent response" from other media outlets. Swayze died on September 14th, 2009, of medicide. The establishment calls these "iatrogenic deaths", because outsiders do not know what the term means.
When Liberals and Conservatives are Two Sides of the Same Oppressive Coin
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- Written by Bruce Levine Bruce Levine
- Category: Political Articles Political Articles
- Published: September 20, 2009 September 20, 2009
Protect Us From Our Friends
For many people I know -- especially many young people, Native Americans, and others alienated from American dominant culture -- the difference between liberals and conservatives is only in the technique used to coerce conformity and gain control.
My friend Roland Chrisjohn is a psychologist and a professor in the Native Studies Department at St. Thomas University, and he is also an Oneida of the Iroquois Nation. Roland says, "Protect me from my friends". While his enemies on the right murdered indigenous Americans to steal their land, Indians' so-called liberal "friends" forced assimilation through boarding schools that prohibited the use of tribal languages and customs, which made them easier to divide and conquer, and then "legally" rip them off. While the right favored massacres, the liberals preferred "curing" indigenous Americans and came up with sayings like, "Kill the Indian to save the child."
17-Year-Old Girl Denied Citizenship For Refusing Gardasil Vaccine
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: September 13, 2009 September 13, 2009
Meet seventeen-year-old Simone Davis, who has been fighting for nine years to secure an American citizenship. She was adopted by her grandmother (see image) in the United Kingdom, but the adoption was not recognized here. This has made fighting for citizenship through her grandmothers marriage very problematic. Simone has plans to become an elementary school teacher, but this has been stopped by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (I.N.S.). As a devout Christian, who took a vow of celibacy until marriage, she was immediately offended by the requirement to take the Gardasil (veneral disease) vaccine. After researching the vaccine extensively, Simone and Jean discovered the many "side-effects", including death. There are numerous warnings about it from the manufacturer, and other sources. The horrific nature of the Gardasil vaccine is a topic we covered in detail in The Health Wyze Report #2 (Audio Edition).
Mandatory Vaccinations: Have A Taste Of Your Own Medicine, Doctor
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: September 10, 2009 September 10, 2009
The swine flu hysteria of 2009 compelled the State of New York to enforce mandatory vaccines on all health care workers. The rules mandated both the seasonal flu and H1N1 (swine flu) vaccines. Other states considered following suit, along with select institutions throughout the U.S.
A huge portion of the effected medical personnel spoke out about their opposition to such rules, and many of them threatened to refuse the vaccines; even at the expense of their employment. The Centers for Disease Control surveyed over a thousand health care professionals, finding that most of them did not take the seasonal flu shot. According to the Associated Press:
"The reasons vary from safety concerns to skepticism over vaccine effectiveness."
The Perversion of the Food Pyramid
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: September 10, 2009 September 10, 2009

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's food pyramid once contained four food groups: fruits and vegetables, meat, grains, and dairy. The fruit and vegetable category made up the base of the pyramid, to show that they were the most important component of the diet. Unfortunately, this superior food pyramid from yesteryear is long gone. It was replaced with a grotesquely-bastardized version (pictured left) that contains five food groups; one of which is comprised of sugars and fats. Perhaps even worse is the fact that carbohydrates were made to be the base of the revisionist pyramid. It was supposed to be a guideline that explained how our foods should be proportioned, but it instead came to identify what we were already eating as a society.
A Rant About The Coming Forced Medical 'Treatments'
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 18, 2009 August 18, 2009
There was a time when morals and common decency ruled the land. It was a much better time. The original laws were written to reinforce these values, but the same cannot be said for the laws of today. There have been no laws in the last decade, of my knowledge, which have held a strong and obvious moral foundation. The reason for this is apparent; modern laws and rules exist to control the public: not to represent it.
For instance, some states have enacted legislation governing the control of citizens during a swine flu epidemic.
"Department of Homeland Security officials are declaring that any disease outbreak is a matter of homeland security. Department of Defense officials are defining public demonstrations as ‘low level terrorism.’ In some states, like Massachusetts, public health doctors have persuaded legislators to quickly pass pandemic influenza legislation that will allow state officials to enter homes and businesses without the approval of occupants; to investigate and quarantine individuals without their consent; to require licensed health care providers to give citizens vaccines and to ban the free assembly of citizens in the state."
-- Barbara Loe Fisher, President of the National Vaccine Information Center, 6/18/09
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and The Vitamin C Connection
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 09, 2009 August 09, 2009

In 1774, it was discovered that sudden infant death syndrome, which is closely linked to acute infantile scurvy, is preventable in nearly all cases. Dr. James Lind, a Scottish physician of the British Navy, conducted experiments concluding that citrus fruits cured scurvy. He wrote the following about scurvy (vitamin C deficiency):
"Persons that appear to be but slightly scorbutic are apt to be suddenly and unexpectedly seized with some of its worst symptoms. Their dropping down dead upon an exertion of their strength or change of air is not easily foretold."
The resemblance between these symptoms and S.I.D.S. is not merely coincidental. While the name, sudden infant death syndrome is relatively new; this identifiable pattern of sudden death has been around for a long time, and the methods of preventing it were known centuries ago.
Real Medicine - A Case Study Of How Medicine Was Practiced Before The Dark Age Of The F.D.A. and The Rockefellers
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: September 04, 2009 September 04, 2009
A deceased friend of ours named John "Griff" Wood asked for our help with his health problems before his death, so we put together the medical report that follows. He was unhappy with his doctors, who seemed incompetent at best, and he was looking for answers. Unfortunately, when the time came to make a leap of faith, Griff chose to believe his doctors over us. He was dead within weeks.
Of course, the history was written that it was the cancer that killed him -- not the treatments. It is the way that history is always written, despite the fact that patients with no treatments whatsoever live longer, and live better than those 'treated' by the establishment.
Only In England: Encouraging Children To Have Sex At Least Once A Day
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Political Articles Political Articles
- Published: August 06, 2009 August 06, 2009
All of us need some humor periodically, and it can often come from the advice of the medical establishment. The National Health Service (N.H.S.) of Britain is telling school students that an orgasm a day will keep the doctor away through its official "Pleasure" leaflets, which they have been distributing throughout the schools. Supposedly, this advice will help teenagers to reduce heart attacks (as if they were common among youth), ignoring the fact that 40,000 teenagers become pregnant each year in the U.K. This is the highest rate for Western Europe, and more than half of the pregnancies result in abortions.
The N.H.S. is proclaiming that children have the "right" to a great sex life. According to them, teenagers supposedly have a basic human right to promiscuously enjoy unimpeded sex. This news came just after "it emerged that teenagers who took part in a £6 million [$12 million] government initiative to reduce teenage pregnancies were more than twice as likely to fall pregnant as other girls", according to reporter, Daniel Martin. It seems that the British health advisers get a thrill from encouraging children to have sex. If this were really an attempt at reducing heart attacks, then any type of exercise would be equally helpful.
Why Air Fresheners Are A Terrible Health Compromising Idea
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 03, 2009 August 03, 2009
Air fresheners have become extremely common, but the concept behind them is flawed. For instance, air fresheners are used to mask odors, but those smells exist for a reason. The ideal response to odors is eliminating their source, or like in the case of a gym, to increase the intake of outside air.
Air fresheners may be quicker in the short term, but in the long term, the diseases and illnesses that you will inevitably encounter make other options worthwhile. People are much more likely to become sick whilst using these; both from the immune-suppressing chemicals released, and from the molds and bacteria that are left growing unchecked.