- Holistically and Naturally Treating Gallstones, Gallbladder Attacks, and What You Can Do About Them Without Getting Butchered by a Surgeon
- Eliminating the Parasites That You Almost Certainly Have and Curing Lupus
- How To Cure Hypothyroidism Naturally
- Naturally Curing Shingles and Chickenpox
- Why You Should Use Apple Cider Vinegar Instead of Antacids and Baking Soda for Indigestion
- Natural and Holistic Treatments To Remedy Scabies
- Natural Remedies for Bee, Wasp, and Hornet Stings
- The True Budwig Protocol
- Ignore Your Dentist, Never Brush After Consuming Sugar, and the Use of Poisonous Fluoride
- Why a Stick of Chewing Gum is More Harmful To Your Health Than Anything You Eat
- Naturally Treating Brown Recluse Spider Bites
- Curing Endometriosis Through Natural Methods
- Special Investigative Report: L-tryptophan, Lactic Acid, Prozac and Naturally Treating Depression
- Iodine Supplementation
- A Guide To Quick Recovery From Bell's Palsy
- The Amish Don't Get Autism but They Do Get Bio-Terrorism
- Silica Supplements: Just Another Fraud
- The Relationship Between Body pH and Disease (and other facts you're not supposed to know)
- The Best Natural Stimulants For Increased Energy and Weight Loss
- Making and Using Genuine Colloidal Silver
- pH Food Chart
- The Big One: Naturally Preventing and Curing Heart Disease
- Jim Humble's MMS Fraud
- Is Decaffeinated Really A Healthy Choice?
- Forbidden Fruits: Whatever Medicinal Foods The F.D.A. Forbids
- 'The Cancer Report' Documentary from Health Wyze Media
- The Legend of Mike Adams and the Reality
- Curing The Blistering Skin Condition Known As Milia
- Naturally and Holistically Curing Allergies By Eliminating Candida
- How Air Fresheners Are Killing You
- Treating and Maybe Curing Hepatitis C With Natural and Holistic Methods
- Pet Care: Deworming and Eliminating Fleas Naturally
- Quick Tip: Cure Ulcers Naturally With Raw Cabbage Juice
- Natural Remedies for Ear Aches, Ear Infections, and Ear Inflammation
- The Supplementation Problem and Our Supplement Recommendations
- The 2010 Worst Restaurant of the Year Award Goes To Subway
- Techniques For Cleansing the Body and Detoxifying
- Curing Celiac Disease Using Holistic Naturopathic Techniques
- Not All Zinc Supplements Are Created Equal
- Quick Tip: Using Lemon and Pineapple Juice to Quickly Shift Body pH in Your Favor
- Special Investigative Report: Curing Diabetes Naturally and Holistically
- Vaccine Ingredients and Vaccine Secrets
- The Worst Restaurant Of The Year Award Goes To Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)
- Evaluating The Evaluators from Consumer Lab
- How To Cure Autism and The Time Bomb Of Mercury Poisoning
- The Lead Vaccine Developer Comes Clean About Gardasil and Cervarix
- The Truth About Salts and The Chemical Industry
- Beware of Deodorants and Antiperspirants, Especially The "Safe" and "All Natural" Ones
- Soy is Unfit for Human Consumption
- Natural Approaches For Treating Epilepsy
- Why Michael J. Fox Will Never Find a Cure
- Why Rancid 'Healthy' Oils Are More Dangerous Than the Bad Oils
- Toxins in Disposable Diapers: Dioxin and Sodium Polyacrylate
- Chlorophyll Supplementation
- Naturally Treating and Curing Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)
- Naturally Curing Lyme Disease and Chronic Lyme Disease
- Quick Tip: Homemade Eye Drops For Dryness, Irritation, Itching, and Various Infections
- The Potent and Natural Painkillers That Are Still Legal
- A New Method of Poisoning Us With Radiation: 'High Efficiency' Light Bulbs
- Naturally Curing Erectile Dysfunction and Impotence
- Doctor Andrew Weil: Whose Side Is He Really On?
- Dieting Right and Why Most Diets Make People Fat
- Are You Getting Enough Sodium Benzoate in Your Diet?
- Quackery: Foot Cleanses, Detox Foot Pads, and Ionic Foot Baths
- Useful Herbs: Cayenne Pepper
- Quick Tip: How To Remedy Food Poisoning
- The Dangers of Non-Stick Cookware
- Naturally Eliminating Cluster Headaches and How the Establishment is Blocking Cures
- Our Secret Weapon: The Green Drink
- The American Cancer Society Admitted That Untreated Cancers Often Go Away Naturally
- The H.C.G. ("hCG") Diet Scam Exposed
- Holistically and Naturally Treating Migraine Headaches
- Identifying Poisonous Plastics
- Understanding Foods Labeled 'Modified'; What Is Modified Food Starch and Should It Be Avoided?
- Niacin Supplementation for Healthy Hearts and Minds
- How MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) is Hidden in Your Foods and its Antidote, Taurine
- The Bomb Shell Truth About Canola Oil
- The Debate between HealthWyze.org and Jim Humble about whether M.M.S. is a Fraud
- Smoking To Cure Lung Infections and For Good Lung Health
- God's Nutrition: From The Big Guy Himself
- How Chemical Fertilizers Are Destroying Your Body, The Soil, and Your Food
- Low Platelet Counts, Thrombocytopenia, and Pregnancy
- Eliminating Kidney Stones Naturally
- Naturally Curing Alopecia Areata
- Juicing: The Hormone Regulator
- The Toxicity of Dryer Sheets, Fabric Softeners, and Laundry Detergents
- The Most Common Frauds of Alternative Medicine
- Essential First Aid Item: Activated Carbon for Poison Emergencies
- Why Everyone Has Attention Deficit Disorder, and Why it is Illegal To Cure
- The Dangers of Tap Water
- Quick Tip: A Tea for Eliminating Coughing and Lung Inflammation
- Getting Pregnant, Curing Infertility, and Balancing Hormones
- Fire Safe Cigarettes and the Massacre of Smokers
- The gunman was described as a loner and was being treated by a psychiatrist for...
- Funny, Sad, and Thought Provoking Medical Quotations
- Proof That The Swine Flu Epidemic Was Man Made and Intentional
- How to Heal Cavities
- Your Metal Drinking Bottle Is Probably A Toxic Plastic Bottle In Disguise
- Sanitary Tampons and Pads: How Their Dioxins are Leading to the Endometriosis Epidemic
- The Truth About Asthma Being Curable
- Sunscreen Lies and Cosmetic Trade Secrets
- Why Hand Lotion Is Usually The Worst Thing To Use For Dry Hands and How Hand Lotions Destroy Overall Health
- Unwilling Guinea Pigs: Using Foster Care Children For Forced Drug Experiments
- Say Goodbye To Soft Contact Lens Problems
- A Precautionary Notice About Consuming Foods Containing Polyunsaturated Vegetable Oils; Even The Most Righteous Of Them All: Flax Seeds
- The G.M.O. Boycott List
- Doubt They're Evil? About the Umbilical Cord, and the Profitable Procedure for Premature Deliveries
- Naturally Eliminating Joint and Arthritis Pain
- Quick Tip: How To Eliminate A Sore Throat
- The Bees Are Dying and How Monsanto Will Be Responsible for the Upcoming Famine
- Recovering from Common Colds and the Flu
- Why We Bought A Bread Maker, and Why You Definitely Should Too
- Quick Tip: Emergency Alternative Medicine For Snake Bites
- The F.D.A.'s Push For Radioactive ("Irradiated") Foods
- Cherries For Inflammation, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain and Soreness
- Whole Foods Market Can No Longer Be Trusted For Safe Wholesome Foods or Even To Tell The Truth
- Useful Herbs: Guarana
- Genetically Modified Foods At U.S. Grocery Stores: How To Avoid These Frankenfoods and The New Pesticides That Do Not Wash Off
- A Dangerous Pharmaceutical Espoused as Alternative Medicine: Dichloroacetic Acid (DCA)
- Quick Tip: Vitamin C Weakens Tooth Enamel and Other Facts the Dental Experts Do Not Know
- Shane Geiger: Death By Sprained Ankle and Modern Medicine's Miracles
- Quick Tip: You Should Never Eat Liver
- Hospice and the Death Cults of Modern Medicine
- The Politically Incorrect Truth About the Cult Of Vegetarianism
- Fibromyalgia: The F.D.A. Ignores An Entire Disease Caused By Its Approved Excitotoxins and Remains Silent About The Cure
- Is Spray Tanning Really The Healthy Option?
- Chop Shop Hospitals
- The Mail Bag #6: Curing Severe H. Pylori Infections
- Useful Herbs: Chamomile
- The "Shaken Baby Syndrome" Lie
- The Filthy Truth About Hand Sanitizers and Anti-Bacterial Soaps
- The Pharmaceutical Tragedy of Kurt Danysh
- Special Investigative Report: Why You Should Boycott the Susan Komen Pink Ribbon Foundation and Its Sponsors
- The Marvelous Health of Unvaccinated Children
- Granite Countertops Pose Health Risks
- How Doctors Cut Short Phil Collins Musical Career, and Why He Shall Never Drum Again
- Quick Tip: Answering Questions about Radiation from Japan and Potassium Iodide
- Please Join the Horizon Milk Boycott and Horizon's Dirty Little Tricks
- The Little Known Connection Between Extracted Teeth and Memory Loss
- Salvia Divinorum: Exposing the Power of Alternative Herbal Medicines and The People Who are Threatened by Them
- Quick Tip: Burn Treatment with Silver
- Quick Tip: Eliminating Weekend Headaches
- Video: Dealing With Doctors (Edition 1, With Subtitles)
- Naturally Curing Infantile Phenylketonuria (PKU)
- If Vaccines Are Safe, Then Why Did Congress Give Manufacturers Special Legal Immunity? Why Are They Above the Law?
- Video: Dealing With Doctors (Edition 2, Narrated)
- How Some Gyms Are Very Dangerous To Health and How They Might Even Eventually Kill You
- Why You Should Avoid All HONcode Certified Websites
- Psychiatry's 'Shock Doctrine': Are We Really Okay With Electroshocking Toddlers?
- How To Create A Natural First Aid Kit
- Real Medicine - A Case Study Of How Medicine Was Practiced Before The Dark Age Of The F.D.A. and The Rockefellers
- Eating Ice Cubes or Dirt is a Sign That Your Child Has Pica
- Earth Fare Bans and Shreds Our Magazines
- Death Rates Drop When Doctors Go on Strike
- The Inflammatory Topic of Vaccines During a Health Information War
- Sugars, Carbohydrates, and the Bitter Truths About Artificial Sweeteners
- Basic Tips For Being Healthy
- Juicing: The Blood Cleanser
- Disturbing Mystery Food Given To Children
- Eliminating Female Hair Loss Naturally
- Doctors Said They Saw An "Excellent Response" To Patrick Swayze's Treatments
- The History of Opium and The History of How the Pharmaceutical Industry Intentionally Created Drug Addictions
- The Hepatitis B Vaccine Scam
- A Letter from the Editor: The Alternative Media Is Even Less Trustworthy Than Big Media
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and The Vitamin C Connection
- Additional Anti-Cancer Therapies That are Natural
- Poisonous Christmas Lights, Toys, and Trees
- Neutralize Chlorine with Vitamin C
- The Story of Christopher Pittman, an Antidepressant Murder, and How Chris May Still Be Denied Justice
- The Health Endangering Fraud of Nozin Nasal Sanitizer
- Special Investigative Report: Debunking The "Health" Products That You Thought Were Healthy
- Toxic Baby Formula
- F.D.A. Blocked Suicide Warning for Anti-Depressants
- Medical Mind Games and Proving Ginger Is Therapeutic
- The Perversion of the Food Pyramid
- The Most Popular 'Medical Ethic' is Greed
- It Is Unsafe To Eat Restaurant Food
- Quick Tip: Hydrogen Peroxide For Stunningly White Teeth
- Recipe: Healthy All-Natural Homemade Salad Dressings
- Mail Bag #12: The Usual Medical Results
- A Warning about The Budwig Center
- Radioactive Smoke Detectors
- The Lie of Aspirin Preventing Heart Attacks
- Why Americans Ought To Reevaluate What They Were (Falsely) Taught about Child Birth
- What They Are Hiding About Daniel Hauser's Forced Chemotherapy To Malign Alternative Medicine
- Making Meat Toxic with Industrial Additives
- Neutralizing Poison Oak and Poison Ivy With Jewelweed
- The Mail Bag #2: The Elusive Vitamin B17, Fighting Cancer, and Clean Water
- Why Beef Is Absolutely Critical For Children and How Big Media Has Deceived Us Again
- Alternative Medicine Fraud: Magnet Therapy
- Shielding Yourself From Radiation and Dangerous Radioactive Exposure From Cancer Patient Emissions
- Quick Tip: Naturally Eliminating Diarrhea
- BPA Is In Metal Food Containers Too, Because It Was Intentionally Put There - To Make Them "Safe"
- Radioactive Airport Body Scanners and Official Child Molestation Procedures
- Mandatory Vaccinations: Have A Taste Of Your Own Medicine, Doctor
- Walmart is Becoming a Health Hero with Surprising New Policies
- Dishonest Food Labeling Targeting the Health Conscious: Understanding What "Organic" and "All-Natural" Really Mean
- Why You Should Supplement With Hemp and Affirm Your Rights
- How the Establishment Uses Pain and Addiction as Tools to Keep Us Compliant
- Even The Chinese Declare American Food Unfit For Human Consumption